Tuesday, 2 August 2011


If you were to log onto Facebook and look at my friends what you would see as profile pictures is a flood of rainbows. It is a lovely sight, much nicer than that of the blue candles which so often haunt us. However, as lovely as they look the reason behind them is not so lovely.
When you have a child diagnosed with type 1 diabetes you join the most supportive family of all. You join the CWD (children with diabetes) family. It doesn't matter what time of day it is, if you have a question, someone will be able to help. This support has never been so apparent as over the last few days. On Friday, one of the families announced that their 2 year old daughter Georgia had been diagnosed with leukaemia, devastating news for any family, but this is on top of the fact that their 4 year old son has type 1 diabetes.
The members of CWD started to rally round and posted messages of support on Facebook. They sent love, prayers and thoughts. On Sunday this changed, a group was set up called CWD rainbow fund for Georgia. The aim of this group was to raise money, to help with financial strain that illness can bring. The group had been going for a couple of hours and raised £240. By midnight on Monday over £1100 had been raised, and the profile pictures had been changed to rainbows to show support. It's a huge amount of money to be raised in 24 hours.

It amazes me that a group of people, some who have never met, that have one thing in common, pull together in times of crisis. I am proud to be part of such a caring family. I hope I never need them to do so, but I feel positive they would fight my corner if I needed them to.

This is for Georgia.

