Wednesday, 4 March 2015

A marvellous man.

I can't believe we are now in March of 2015, where does the time go? I haven't posted for an age!
Samuel had his quarterly checkup, we had to cancel the one before Christmas as it clashed with a school trip to the science museum, lets face it that is far more exciting to a 10 year old. We hadn't been since September, and during that time we had had the winter sickness bug, the school holidays, awful bg levels, and of course Christmas itself.
We get to clinic and we are both excited by this as we were meeting up with Samuels pump buddy, the gorgeous Kita and her equally gorgeous mum Magda. We hadn't managed to link up our appointments for ages. Samuels height and weight had both gone up, height by 3cms and he had put on 4lb. Ahhhhh it all becomes clear.. .that is why we have had awful levels. Samuel is called in to see his consultant. This man is a hero among families of children with diabetes. Prof Peter Hindmarsh, otherwise affectionately known as 'The Prof' . He takes one look at his pump and states all Samuels settings are out of date and need changing. Carb to insulin ratio adjusted, Basel rates adjusted, correction dose adjusted. We had a quick chat about the residential trip that is coming up and we were on our way. Oh, side point for those in the know the HbA1c came down!!!
I can honestly say in the four weeks since this appointment Samuels levels have been amazing they have never been so good The Prof is truly an amazing man. The other reason I love this man is that the appointments are all about Samuel, he takes the time to talk to Samuel. I get the boring letters through the post stating all the medical stuff, Samuel gets a letter thanking him for going to clinic and that he hopes he enjoyed the rest of the day, it is all very personal.
Ask anyone who has there child seen at UCLH by this man, or actually anyone who has a child with type 1 diabetes, about him and they will all say the same.