Before I start I want to make it clear that this is what has been going on in MY house, I am not telling anyone what to do apart from the obvious STAY INSIDE.
I will admit like many when the news of this virus started I didn't think it was anymore serious than a bad case of the flu. I was fully aware that in my house of seven there are four who are more vulnerable. My mother in law is 76 and has COPD and ITP; my husband has type 1 diabetes and due to a case of pleurisy a few years ago shadows on his lungs; Samuel has type 1 diabetes as does Victoria. However, we still went about our business, that was until Sunday (15/03/20), there must be something about that date as it was 11 years ago on that date that Samuel was diagnosed. After dinner Samuel declared that he wasn't feel very well, he felt sick, that usually means that he has ketones (which can be extremely dangerous, can lead to DKA, which can be fatal) so he checked and yes he did. So we did what we always do in this situation and they eventually came down. The following morning he still felt off and had developed what I can only describe as a barking cough, along with a side order of ketones. I went off to work and left him in bed, the husband had been up during the night being sick so he was also in bed. I called our diabetes team for some advice and when I mentioned the cough she told me to keep him isolated. I called his school to tell them that he was off, I mentioned the cough and was told that I should probably keep him off for the recommended 7 days.
Tuesday - Samuel was still coughing but minor ketones, husband was still being sick, and off I went to work, the girls went to school and college. 8:45 I am told that I shouldn't be in school as I and the rest of my household should be self isolating for 14 days. I phone the secondary school to tell them that Samuel is still not in. I am then advised to definitely collect Victoria, I ask about Elizabeth and am then told to come and collect them both which I do, then on to the college to collect Olivia. I then inform her that she can't leave the house for 14 days which means she can't go to work nor can she see her new boyfriend!! (I will leave up to you to imagine how that went down, it was not pretty)
Wednesday - Samuel still coughing but no ketones, husband still being sick and Olivia still furious! However, my kitchen cupboards are looking lovely and clean! Then..... I am informed that because I live in a vulnerable household I am not allowed back to work for 12 weeks!!
Fast forward to Friday evening when clubs, pubs, cafes etc are to close, schools for us are closed until further notice, and social distancing is a must!!!! But some people are not listening, yes I know you may feel ok, are young and healthy but you can still carry the virus and pass it on!
In a time when many only think of themselves please do the right thing! I have four vulnerable people living in my house!