Wednesday, 30 November 2011

World diabetes day....who knew?

Today is the last day of Novemeber, this means that Diabetes Awareness Month is drawing to a close. You know that well known cause that we all know so much about, the fact that World Diabetes Day, celebrating the birthday of Frederick Banting, the man that discovered insulin, was on November 14th. The day when public buildings we lit up in blue lights to show support and raise awareness.....
Yes, you're right it didn't really happen in the UK, and this begs the question....why not? Why does no one know about it? Everyone knows that October is breast cancer awareness month and we are all 'tickled pink'
I have a few American 'friends' on fb, and it was lovely to see buildings, and fountains in Florida all lit up in blue. Most of us within the online diabetic community changed our profile pictures, we posted 30 facts for 30 days, but it really is preaching to the converted. What can we do to change it? In all honesty I don't know the answer, I don't know why it is not recognised in this country. What I do know though is it needs to change, so we need some ideas.
If you did something for World Diabetes Day post a comment, as I am truly interested in what you all did.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Diabetes Awareness Month 2011...

The 1st of November marks the beginning of diabetes awareness month with the 14th being World Diabetes Day. Apart from the families that contend with this condition every day how many people actually know. If the truth be told we didn't know until our son was diagnosed and my husband has had type 1 for 15 years!

In order to do my bit for raising awareness I am now going to dazzle you with numbers.....

In one year alone Samuel will have had at least 1,460 injections of insulin. This figure does not take into account and correction dose or any split doses.
With only the minimum of testing, and by this I mean before breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime, he will have 1,460 finger prick tests. Add onto that tests when he doesn't feel well, or before exercise and the number is much higher.
If Samuel lives to 70 years old he will have had in his lifetime in excess of 96,360 injections!!

Samuel hardly ever complains about having his injections, and insulin is not a cure, it is life support, without it he would die. However, with every injection my heart breaks just a little, but I know I have to do it to keep him alive.
Please help to raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes, the numbers are rising......Hope is in a cure.