Today is Wednesday, so we are five days in with Victoria's' diagnosis, and things are feel slightly weird in the Warrington house. At the moment Victoria is doing really well, she seems confident in what she is doing, and plodding on with it, the only thing she is complaining about is that she is constantly hungry. The other three children I'm not so sure about. Samuel has gone very quiet, in previous blog posts I've spoken about how much of a worrier he is and this seems to be the case now. I asked him this morning "what are you thinking?"... he is not happy about her diagnosis and feels sad. Elizabeth is really upset and is worrying that she will be next, and Olivia, I have no idea, I can't reach her right now, she is being a moody 16 year old.
Me? I'm just one big contradiction! I'm impatient and annoyed right now, the team at Southend say to me that they know I have experience with type 1 and in the next breath talk to me like I'm stupid. Then tell me that don't want to sound patronising, as they are doing that exact same thing. The wheels are in motion for the transfer to UCLH, I phoned them first thing on Monday morning, the referral letter from the GP has been written and she has already been discussed in a meeting with The Prof. So its hard to go through the motions knowing that we aren't staying. The other thing is that one part of me thinks 'what's one more child with it when I already have one, and a husband', then the other side of me, when I sit and think about it by myself isn't 'why us?', because why not? but really?! Did I really need more stress in my life? Then I start overthinking.... Samuel was only 4 when he was diagnosed so doesn't remember not having diabetes, but Victoria is 11. I know that eating disorders happen with boys, but its never been a concern of mine with Samuel. Victoria has already noticed that her stomach is slightly flatter as she had lost a few lbs and has already mentioned that it might come back as she is eating more.
Anyway, that's where we are all at right now...
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