Tuesday, 31 July 2018

So excited ......

Before I start on this post I must apologise, there are other things that I was going to blog about, other things I need to share about the children. However, something happened today that I am so excited about that I must share.

I have a place in the London Marathon next year running for JDRF!!!!!

Some if not all of you are probably looking at this and thinking.......is that it?! Really!!!!

Let me explain.....
When Samuel was diagnosed in 2009 I entered the London Marathon for JDRF, which I promptly forgot about until the email landed in my inbox welcoming me onto the team. I couldn't even run for a bus at this point. This is where my running journey began. Since then I have completed
  • 11 Marathons
  • 11 Half marathons
  • 1 Ultra marathon
  • 1 Nulcear race
  • 4  10 mile races
  • 17  10k races
  • 7   5 mile races
  • 54 parkruns
There could be more, but I think thats it at time of writing.

So, what makes this news so exciting? 2019 marks Samuels 10th year of living with Type 1 diabetes, and what with Victorias sudden diagnosis in January I wanted to set myself a bigger challenge. I have run Brighton Marathon for the last 7 years and I am set to run it in 2019, I have applied through the ballot for a London place every year for the last 9 years with zero luck. As I walked most of London Marathon when I completed it the first time I've wanted to have another go at it now that I ca actually run. So, what I decided to do was apply for a charity place with JDRF, which is not a decision I took lightly as I have to raise £2000.
Today I got the phone call offering me a place! I've waited 8 years for this...hence my excitement. So there you have it.
Now, I don't like to ask, but if you have any spare pennies and feel the earge I have posted the link to my fundraising page.


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