Saturday, 16 March 2019

10 years on - Samuel's point of view.

March 15th 20019 marked Samuel's 10th year of living with type 1 diabetes. I asked him a few months back to write something for me to post about what having type 1 diabetes meant to him. He didn't want to do it then so I didn't push it.  I thought I would ask again  and  this is what he wrote:

" 10 Years with diabetes: My name is Samuel Warrington. I was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 4 on March 15th 2009. It changed my life completely. I had to be driven to hospital in the back of an ambulance. However, the support that I had from my mum and dad made me feel a little bit better about having it, but it did mean that I wasn't allowed sleepovers or a lot of sweets or sugary stuff. When we moved to UCLH it made life easier for my mum, me and my family. Prof Hindmarsh is a really amazing consultant who knows everything about type 1 diabetes and who set up and manages my insulin pump. I also got to meet a cool diabetic person who is now my diabetic pump buddy. Her name is Kita and on August 7th 2012 we got our first pumps together. It was really nice that I didn't have to go through it alone. 4 years later we got a pump upgrade that we were super excited about. Then on January 13th 2018 my sister Victoria was diagnosed. The family was a bit confused as it had come out of nowhere. She is very lucky that she has me as a brother as I can fully understand how she feels when her sugar is high or low. I am now currently 14 years old and I am happy that I have such caring people around me. "

I am really proud of how well Samuels deals with his condition. He plays football, is excelling in school and doesn't let him stop him doing anything he wants to.

1 comment:

  1. My mom told me when I was diagnosed that I could do anything I wanted. I took her word for it.

    My mom said she wished she had tempered her enthusiasm a little. :)
