Sunday, 30 December 2018

One year on.....Victoria’s words.

I was thinking about this the other day, I started this blog to share my opinions thoughts of living with a child with type 1 diabetes which as you know turned into two in January. I thought that you may find it interesting to know what the children themselves thought.
Victoria came forward first, I’m still waiting for Samuels....

“Hi, my name is Victoria but I now go by Tori. On January 13th 2018 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Before that date I had searched the signs up on the internet and figured it out, I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want it to be true. When we tested my sugar it was 33.3, not that great. I have to admit I did have a bit of a breakdown. We went to Southend Hospital but whilst we were driving there I had to tell my best friend Emily. We got to the hospital and I had to have blood taken from my veins. They tried 3 times in my right hand, and twice in my right, they also tried in my inner elbow but it took ages for them to get any blood. People say that hospital food is not nice but it was for me. A couple of days later I was transferred to UCLH which stands for University College London Hospital where The Prof is my Dr and I got a pump. It has really been a year. I have had setbacks but I got over them with everybody helping me. It’s been a real journey.
My name is Victoria Warrington, go by Tori and I’m Type 1 Diabetic.”

For those of you who know Victoria she is saying that she goes by Tori as I (mum) prefer that to Vicky.

So there you have it....that’s what she has to say on the matter.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Tori, that when I was Dx'd in 1974 I had to stay in the hospital for 1 week and before I used the needles for the first time, I ate my practice orange 3 times (I was so hungry). On the 4th day I gave myself a shot for the first time. I did not get a pump for another 27 years. Call enma slow learner.

    Best to Tori !!
